See the button on the right ( or is it left? ) for the New FO Challenge? Well I started my February project yesterday over at
tirane's house where I spent a very pleasant rainy afternoon.
The FO Challenge is a twist on the UFO challenges that are around -- in this one, you START a new project every month. You don't have to finish it, just start it. It was very exciting just thinking about what I wanted to do, pulling all the fabrics and beginning something new. Old stuff is old stuff and it just ain't gonna change.
I found this pattern in a McCalls magazine

and was drawn to it because I have a whole bunch of greens, and this would be great to maybe use up some of them and I also just like the pattern. When I got to reading the instructions, it dawned on me that it was just like this one

that I bought a long time ago ( I might have paid $5 for it and it came with the acrylic triangle you need, too! ) - (it was on my "someday" list, guess I can check it off!)
The magazine pattern mixes lights and darks to make the block, and you cut each piece individually -- the Magic Triangle pattern uses strip piecing for making the blocks ( yipee! ) but the blocks are all the same colorway. I didn't like all of either one, so I combined them, my quilt my way. So I'm strip piecing and my blocks are alternating dark and light.
But there is a price to this - I had to do math to figure out how much of what to cut... math, eewww :(
I just started cutting strips.
Then I started sewing strips

and sewing more strips that turned into blocks, then I sewing more blocks - oh I had fun!
I spent a wonderful day today working on this.
And my math ? I had cut enough strips to make a double size quilt! No math, just experience, or instinct, or plain old luck :)
too bad I have to go to work tomorrow - maybe I have a cough coming on? cough cough