Different Things I'm Working On, Thinking About, Keeping Track Of,,

Dear Jane

I just discovered this handy way to keep up with certain aspects of my quilting - So thought I would use it to keep track of my Dear Jane progress.


I've been saying that I'm going to make a Dear Jane quilt for several years.  I even bought the EQ software to keep up with it.  I even loaded it on my computer! at least that's progress.

So here is my Dear Jane box. DSC00184 It has my EQ Dear Jane book, my background fabric ( Kaufman's good muslin in white ), some repro fabrics, some paper pieced blocks already printed out and ready to go
my first block!Pinwheels Gone Awry - Block A1
It is called PINWHEEL GONE AWRY and in EQ it is block A-1.

YEAH!  I started my Dear Jane quilt!
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