I bravely trudge on starting a new project each month just to keep up with the NEW FO PROJECT that CATPATCHES is sponsoring--- see the button on the right? That what I'm talking about.
Well this month I thought I would do one of my charity quilts, I needed something to make me feel good, you know, and when I found this group of fabric quarters I had squirreled away, it they brought a great big smile to my face and I knew it would make someone else smile.
I found this pattern on the Moda Bakeshop, liked it, had to have it.

It just so happened that my friend tirane and I had decided that we needed some sewing time together so we took off for a mini retreat ( a "stay-cation" -we found a two bedroom hotel room, turned the living room into a sewing room, and just sewed as much as we wanted)
This is what I did! Over the weekend, I got it cut and all together except for the outer smashing. At home I got that done and even made a back for it. Whoo whee! I'm coking with gas now!

Maybe this weekend I can get it sandwiched and ,,, well,, quilted, maybe? Sure uh-huh, who am I kidding ;)