gee, it's been a while since I have posted anything -- ya'll might think I was either REALLLLLYY busy or just nothing was fun and frivilous in my life. -- Well, we did have Thanksgiving ( which was great, by the way ) and then there is that thing called 'work' that I have to attend to on a daily basis but I did get to go to RETREAT!! I just love retreats!!I belong to a pretty large bee - guess there is about 20 of us,, might be more but I haven't counted lately - and we are so lucky,,, yes, so very lucky,,, to have our own special retreat house! One of our founding members decided that her life calling was to open a retreat house,,, just about an hour away from where we all live, out in the country ( you can even see cows in the pasture sometimes! ). Well,,, it's called CREATE-AWAY COTTAGE -- click on the link and see what we get to go visit! It is just the most perfect place I know of to get with friends and relax and just escape from the daily life grind.Ok,,, the retreat is Friday thru Sunday,,, I get lucky and take Friday off - (( that in itself is enough to make me jump with joy !! )),,, I have a hair appointment at 8, figure that takes about 2 hours, then the drive up to retreat,, aahh I should be there about 11. Great timing! AND I have ALL DAY to sew, nap, read eat,, whatever I want to do! Well, to get there from the beauty shop,,, I decided to take a toll road. Now,,, I don't every have to drive a toll road, can count on one hand the times I have been on a toll road,,, I didn't know you have to pay money to GET ON the toll road!! I thought you paid when you got off!!Oh MY,,, I screech to a stop at the little booth,,, no attendant,,, GADS do I have any change ??? OMG what do I do ?? Well, I found some change ( only needed 40 cents,,, had dollars but change was scarce ) SO,, found a quarter, two dimes,,, ok, that's too much but who cares,,, throw it in the basket -- DO YOU THINK I CAN HIT THE BASKET ??? NO BLOOMING WAY does it go in the basket !! AARRRGGHHHby this time I have someone behind me,,, then this BELL starts making noise... can you see my frustration!! I NEED MORE CHANGE ( and thoughts of "what happens if I just drive thru this @@**#&# thing?" ) what a way to start off my perfect weekend!ok,, I found some more change,,, feed that darn basket, light turns green, bell quits ringing,,, I"M OFF!!!there were several more toll booths, they all had attendants,, my dollar bills worked just fine,, I got to retreat!!I think that we had 16 total show up... one member came to visit and crochet and take us on a field trip to her new OMG cabin by the lake and see the OMG boat that they have,,, gee,,, talk about a RETREAT!! How much fun to have a place to go and sit by the lake, take the boat out,, aahhh,,, what a life!There were lots of projects that were finished, worked on, started. Thought I would share some pictures
This is a pattern called "FRACTIONS" I think, done in batiks,,,

this is a wall hanging that was made for a contest PAIR/PEAR,,, if you look closely, it is an outline of her daughters faces... now how cool and creative is this!

I just love this wall hanging,, I think the pattern was a Patrick Lose ( is that the right spelling?) raw edge machine applique,, she put some special stitches in places, you will have to look close to see. But she started it at retreat, finished it, quilted it and I think even got the binding on! Speedy Gonzales!
This one is made for a purple contest,,, I just love foundation piecing - and the book that this came from was something I would like to add to my library...

This one is being made for someone who has an interest in space,,, cool focus fabric

I didn't get a shot of the borders that she is going to use,,, we picked colors and laid some different things out ( a big design wall is great to work on! ) I think the layout of colors sorta looks like "day going into night"...

these two are great, aren't they!!

and this one is made with batiks that have shots of gold in them,,, BEAUTIFUL! I like this one,,, I can see so many different color combinations -- gotta get that pattern

OH and look at this one!!! Have you seen the Braid quilts?? this one is a little miniture ( is that how you spell it?),, so cool!

This is one that was just started,,, I love the colors..

and this one is very spring'y... it was a jelly roll pattern and she finished the top on this -- why can't I sew that fast??

and this one was already finished and it is pinned for quilting - isn't it wonderful?? I just love the colors that she used - send it my way!

I'm sure I missed some of the other great stuff that was being created... these are only shots of the things I saw on the design walls, or that was being displayed. I didn't even put in the one quilt I was working on! I had a kit that I bought at the
local quilt shop at the last retreat, cut it out before I left, and spent all weekend sewing pieces together... almost all the blocks are finished - almost - but there is nothing yet to share.
One of our ladies decided that we all needed FRESH BAKED SUGAR COOKIES!! yyuuummmm !!! so she got the flour, sugar and all that stuff ( no manufactured roll cookies for us! ) and even made icing!! I think everyone had a hand in the decorating...

well, fiddlesticks,,, I had these in the right order, then messed with them, now they are out of order, but you get the idea! We had some little bitty gingerbread men too,,, that were 'anatomically correct',,, but I thought I had better not post those! (( hehehe,,, little gingerbread men with little gingerbread thingys !! cute! )
We also had our annual Christmas gift exchange. We were given a name and we had to buy a gift that started with the letter of the person's first name... I saw this somewhere on the web, I think, and it was really fun. Like, if the name you get is Martha,,, buy something for Martha that starts with the letter "M"... it was a big hit.
Lots of fun was had by all,, we talked, sewed, ate, ate, sewed, talked, ate some more... I hope that when you go to retreat you have a great group to go with and that you have as much fun as we do!
When is the next one ????