Our bee had a retreat the end of September at Create-Away-Cottage (
http://home.earthlink.net/~neldaquilt/ ) where we always go. ... lots of fun - good food, good fellowship and a great time to get some sewing done. The weather was just beautiful and we got to eat meals outside on the deck ( until the skeeters decided we were their dinner ). There was a beautiful sunset ( no picture though ) and a full moon ( no pic of that either ).
Being the little photographer that I am, I was always walking around taking pictures of what everyone was working on (( I'm supposed to be sewing, not taking pictures maybe that is why there is nothing here about what I did ( or maybe that was by design?) )) There were about 14 of us,, not too many, not too few.

Isn't this beautiful! All in batiks. I think she said that some of the blocks were from a birthday swap at the quilt shop where she works ( not sure which blocks were the swap and which were hers ). I didn't get a final picture but she used a really pretty blue batik for the setting triangles.

I thought this one was really cute and so easy to make!! The flowers are chenille strips that she sewed on and then brushed like crazy to get them to be soft and fuzzy. Amazing to me that she made most of them herself! Geez, that's why I like retreats.... I learn so much! It is quilted in the ditch and I just might have to try that chenille trick myself!

Somebody was making houses for our block exchange -- it's a tropical beachy theme and we are going to swap 12 house blocks,,, then the rest is up to us.

This is one version,,, I have all my fabrics picked out - should be fun! ( doesn't the door look like it fabric waving in the tropical breeze!?! )
Here are some quilts I fell in love with -- Great job ladies!!

My Oh My -- I do have some talented friends!
I walked around taking pics of what was on their machines, too...

she finished quilting this one ,,, I'm still trying to figure out that pattern! )

I think this speaks for itself LOL!

and this one too! I do alot of this kind of sewing!
Have you seen the fabric that is the old fashioned paper dolls?

I can't remember just how she did this, but the fabric is fused to something and then it will stick to the "paper" doll. I have two granddaughters that will just love this! -- I see a Christmas present in the making... hhmmm...

Looks like some half square triangles and the orange and red is Hawaiian applique,, SO pretty! That would take me a life time to finish! ( still working on some applique I started about 4 years ago! )

this is the pile of stripes that became

part of this,,, she SAYS she made a mistake and threw out a block.. we couldn't find the mistake - until she pointed it out. Do you see it??

what is that saying about idle hands??
She saw this purse, made out of strips of fabric so she made herself one! DANG! I didn't get a

picture of the finished purse -- it was lined and everything!
This was a kit we saw at the local quilt store, I was tempted! But I was such a good person that I left my purse at the retreat - no money, no buy... I'm such a good girl

( gosh that was a hard thing to do )
And lastly,, I think this is really my favorite (( I loved everything that was done over the weekend but I really really like this one ))

It is a stack and slash,, My picture doesn't do justice to the colors,, the yellow really makes it pop.
So, that was our retreat. Hope I remembered everyone and got all the pictures up. Our next one is the first of December -- can't wait!