Double Delight was a quilt by Bonnie Hunter that my buddy tirane and I did together,, with some liberties taken in the piecing and using different fabrics. I think this was last year ( yep, I'm slow about completely finishing quilts, what can I say
Well, ITS DONE! And the quilting design says it needs a new name -- so my Double Delight is going to be My Mom's Apple Dumplings ( she made the absolute best! ). tirane quilted it for me in her splendid fashion and I want to show it off.
It is bound in the same color green as the dark in the quilt and the backing is the border fabric ( I bought a bolt of it when it was less than dirt cheap! )
Isn't it pretty!

and the little curley cues in the whites pieces

Look at the feathers - these go down the sides,, there are little pebbles in the veins, too - such detail!

Can you tell I'm very happy!
Life is good