Thank goodness I'm off tomorrow cause I need a day of do-nothing but what I want to do - phew! Thursday I cooked my 3rd ( yes, third! we had to have seperate meals to accommodate everyone cause sons had to go to inlaws, and brothers had to go to inlaws) Thanksgiving meal, entertained in-laws, outlaws, and others.
But Friday, oh my!
So who else hit the Joann's sales?? I have always said that there is nothing I need bad enough to get up at an unholy hour and go shopping, so why was I at Joann's at 645?? just to get some of that flannel that was on sale ( like I needed it, yeah, right.). Of course, silly me, I thought that the 20% off EVERYTHING coupon meant 20% off E-V-E-R-Y-thing... but oh no! not the flannel. It was a special sale doorbuster. Did you get caught thinking that it was, too?
But still, how can you complain about $1.29 flannel?? tirane asked me to get her some baby flannels ( she's going to be a new grandmom!) and since I was going anyway I said SURE!. BUT, a good friend, a superb friend, would have gotten herself up and out and met me there - ( dig dig poke poke - see my big grin! )
I will complement the staff at my Joann's, they kept the cutting table moving so I was in and out in about an hour - not bad for 56 ( OMG! 56 yards! ) of flannels. I want to use them for kids quilts for the backs. tirane got about 15 yards of this ( whew! I feel SOOO much better
BUT - that's not all -- are you ready!
THEN I went to my favorite discount fabric store - I met tirane there ( it was 10am, LOL, she was awake ). They were having a 25% discount on everything, ( this time it really was EVERYTHING) so I left there with ANOTHER 50 yards of fabric - all mine! Yipes, Cripes!! Done, no more fabric buying for me!
( jus tto make myself feel better, some of this was only $1.75/yard and it is all name brand cottons )
My name is Beth and I am a Fabriholic. Hello, Beth.
The Flannels

The Cottons
It took two shots to give the full effect!

My name is Beth and I am a Fabriholic
Need I say anything more?