I'm working on my third glass full - actually I need to go pour it! LOL,, DH is gone so he can't rib me too much about how much is too much ( he doesn't believe in drinking at all... too bad ) I have a good Texas Reisling made in the LLano vinyards,,, very very good...
funny thing is,, doesn't take much to make me ohhh so mellow, and chilled out... LOL wonder how this typing is going!?
no rotary cutters tonite,
think I'm going to chill and read some of ya'lls blogs
LOL ... oh,,, I feel veeerrryy relaxed...
Glad to see you are drinking a local wine- this is made about 6 miles from my home- I like alllllll their wines! Makes me sleep so good! ha
Linda Kay
Hmmm...wayward child!! LOL!!
Oh Girl! I know that even tho we are both from Texas we may not be live close, but you sound like my kind of Girlfriend!!
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