WHOO HOO!! It's all done,,, and I think it's ok. And of course, Webster had to check it out - he does like Mommy's quilts! ( see him on the right? ).
Well, what do you think? I thought there was too much yellow in the squares so I took the same green that I used in the border and put in 5 green blocks. Breaks it up just right, I think!
I even mitered the corners -- not my speciality and I struggled with it, believe me! But I think it came out just fine.

Now I have to come up with a name, cause it sure ain't orange! It's tropical, it's bright, it's hot,,, hhmmm,,,,
Hot Nights in the Carribean ??
Play That Funky Raggae ??
Hawaiian Bliss ??
sounds like I'm making up names for new drinks! LOL !
Hey! It's August in Texas and the temperatures have been over 100 degrees for many days....
and I just finished the top.... hhmmm... Texas Heat ?? Too Hot to Sleep ?? Hot Time in the City ??
geez,, I've always been lousy at naming my quilts -- HELP!
Well, time for bed and I can sew all day tomorrow. Grandson might come over for the night so we can play - he's so much fun! Almost 7 and so fiercely independent but still likes hugs from Grandma... Hey! maybe I'll ask him what to call the quilt. See the idea light pop off in my head?
Oh, and I started his Turtle quilt and I'm trying to finish the Judy Niemeyer quilt... not enough time!

I love how the quilt has turned out. the colours are great
Love and hugs Gina xx
That came out wonderful. Nice and bright and cheery. Let us know what name you decide on!
You were right. The Lime Green squares add just the right zing. Looks great!
It looks great! And I like Hot Time in the City! Very appropriate!
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