Once upon a time, a Granma and her grandson went to the fabric store. The Grandson was NOT happy about having to go into a store that did not have any, not one, toy! But the Granma said, "Please behave in here and then we will go to the Toy Store". So the Grandson said "OK, Granma,,, You promise?" and the Granma said "Of Course! But you have to be real good, ok?"
Well, The Granma was looking at fabric to make a quilt,, she didn't care what quilt,,, the Granma just loved looking at all the fabric and wanted to own it all!! All of a sudden, the Grandson said, "Granma Granma,, come look!" So the Granma went to see what had him so excited. He was pointing to a bolt of fabric

Well, what could the Granma say but "Of Course!" and she beamed with happiness that her Grandson really, really liked her quilts.
Well, Granma and Grandson picked out fabrics to match the turtle fabric, Granma had no idea what she was going to make but she was sure she would have to make something special because HER GRANDSON asked her to.
The Granma had a goodest friend that she sometimes colaborated with on quilt designs. She showed the turtle fabric to her goodest friend and said "What am I going to make?". The goodest had a turtle block that she was playing with and showed it to the Granma. It was for a baby quilt and was one big turtle. The Granma started playing with the block in EQ and changed the size, the colors, the directions of the turtles. The goodest friend gave ideas and encouragement. This had to be a SPECIAL quilt for THE GRANDSON.
The Granma is working on this most special quilt. All done in paperpiece,,, there are many many pieces, too! These are the colors that she is using...
The Grandson asks everytime he sees The Granma,,, "Granma, when are you going to have my quilt done? So the Granma has been busy sewing, sewing, sewing and smiling with love for her Grandson.
So far, the Granma has almost all the pieces pieced... almost but not quite.
"Granma, do you have my quilt done yet?" "No my Special Grandson,,, not yet - but I'm working on it! I love you, Grandson!"
What a lovely granma to do that, and what a great quilt it'll be when it's finished.
Love and hugs gina xxx
What a lovely story. Let's hope you manage to finish it before he moves on to giraffes!
Great story! Good job on your pattern - it looks very neat!
I love the quilt, and how special it will be for him!
go gramma go! remember - slow and steady finishes the quilt!
what paper piecing patterns are you using for this bright and turtly quilt?
What a cute story ,doesn't it feel good when their so excited they just can't wait to receive the quilt .No amount of money can replace that feeling you get from doing it out of love .What a good Granma you are .
Very cute! I love it. So was he good and did he get a toy?
How special...bet you love that little boy a lot.
Both quilts are stunning.
Great story and a very cute quilt...Go Granma! Hugs, Linda
Great story and a very cute quilt...Go Granma! Hugs, Linda
This is an awesome quilt!!! can't wait to see it all done and in the hands of that little turtle lover!
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