The very special and Wonderful Granma was feeling so proud of herself about fixing the big mistake that EQ made with the blocks for the feet -- it was no big deal to just add a piece of blue to the block and VOILA! it fit!!
Then she read her email. A friend named Tirane93 left this message
tirane93 has left a new comment on your post "
The Turtle Quilt - part 2 ( I think )": maybe just maybe you have the back feet on the wrong sides and twisted 90 degrees. when the two tail sections are sewn together they'll be shorter, requiring that the feet also be short (rather than narrow). assemble one and verify before you sew that strip on all of them!
Well,,, the very special and Talented Granma thought about this all day while she was working. She drove home like a quilter who sees a fabric sale and ran into her sewing room and twisted those silly feet blocks around. Weeeelllll,,, what do you think ???
The wonderful Granma looked and thought " Well, maybe,,," so phhfftt,, there went one strip of fabric and the sewing machine was turned on, the tail sections were sewed together ( do you see it coming yet??? )
The terrific Granma put the foot section to the tail section and sewed up the seam and.....
Well, you don't REALLY want to know what the Granma said....!
Still muttering under her breath, the very talented and wonderful Granma is busy ripping off pieces of blue from 40 feet.