Yesterday was my once a month get together with my friends for sewing and chatting. The weather here is absolutely beautiful! and it should be since we were freezing our bee-hinds off last week! ( 19deg one day and 79 the next week, no wonder I'm sniffling ) anyway, tirane has this marvelous re-do to her house where our big sewing table/her huge kitchen table looks out wide french doors into the yard. She had them open and the warm breeze was coming in, the birds were a-twittering, the kitty Murphy was having little kitty dreams, I was with my friends sewing and all was well with the world. It was Marvelous!
So, you might ask, what were you working on Beth? Let me tell you --
The day before ( or maybe it was Thursday, can't remember, I'm old, have that disease CRS { can't remember stuff}) I was at work and noticed that my coffee mug was on a folded paper towel ( and to make it worse, I had used it as a note pad ) and I thought
"Self! You are in need of a MUG RUG! "
I had been eyeballing these on different blogs and remembered seeing patterns on FatCatDesigns ( don't you just love her stuff! ), and I had also seen a mug rug on another blog that I like. But I couldn't just make one without help, so I kinda told / asked tirane if she wanted to make one too! "Of course", she said and rose to the challenge. You can see her's here on her blog.
I waited until leaving Saturday morning to find scraps for mine, duh, hows that for planning - talk a friend into making something with you and then show up with no fabric :) ( they aren't but 6x9 so I only needed scraps ) and while driving to our meeting I remembered seeing the one that Ryan Walsh has a tutorial for on his blog, I'M JUST A GUY WHO QUILTS ( do you follow him? he has some really cool ideas ) and i figured that my scraps would be just right for that. I didn't follow him exactly but used the idea, and I loved the straight line quilting that I did ( got that from him! ). I'm just so proud of myself!! LOL tee-hee-hee
So go see tirane's mug rug ( and she is giving her's away - leave her a comment ) and here is
mine including my new insulated mug with purple band
Nope, no contest here, mine is a keeper, but really, go check out tirane's blog and leave her a comment. She's giving away hers ( bless her heart ) and maybe you can replace your folded up paper towel with notes all over it for a real nice desk accessory - a Mug Rug!.