This weekend is the Dallas Quilt Celebration 2011 and as every year, I go - to see quilts and, but of course! :), to visit vendors!!
So my friend tirane and I met at the show and first we did the quilts - such beautiful, wonderful, delicious things all hanging like eye-candy. I took pictures of almost every one that was there, snap snap snap, people thought I was nuts,, but with so many to see, I go into an overload and then I don't remember what I saw. With the pictures, I can go back and see them again. ( and, my friends, I can post them for you! )
I uploaded them to an album on Webshots but for your viewing pleasure, you can sit back and watch the slideshow~! This is really cool - and if you see a quilt that you want to get closer to, just click on it during show and you go right to the file. Can I hear a big round of applause to everyone who has a quilt in the show?!?
Dallas Quilt Show 2011
I tried to make sure I got the owner's card and ribbons in the shots, I'm sorry if some didn't make it. And a big apology to those lovely people who have become my portrait subjects along with the quilts! I cropped best I could but some of you are there for history. :)
If you go to the album, please feel free to leave a comment or two or three - what's is your favorite? What technique do you like the best? Whose work do you admire? I still have to go back into the pictures and do some tweaking ( I saw something sideways when I was doing this and thought I would fix that so you don't have to turn your head sideways and look at it and have people wondering why you are looking at your computer screen all weird LOL! )
OK - quilts are done, no on to the shopping! Yeah, I'm the Queen of Spend, the Countess of Cash and Credit, the Duchess of The Deal -- well I just love to shop ( NO! I love to buy! ) but for the life of me, I just couldn't think of one thing that I really needed. I've been complaining ( yikes, did I say that?! ) about having too much stash and no where to put it, so I sure wasn't in the market for material and I couldn't think of one thing that I needed for notions or toys, or tools, or gadgets, or that certain something special that someone is demonstating that you think is really really neat and will make your life so much better if you just have that one special thing ( whew! ) ( however, I did see Jodi Barrows of Square in a Square fame and she showed me again how to use the ruler that I've have for 5 years and never used :( and she made it look so easy so why o why do I not use it?? I even got it out and the book last nite and looked at it again and asked Self, why don't you use this? self had no answer)

no,, I was good ( or was I bad? )..
I found a lightbulb for my Featherweight - and
Think I'll go look at the pictures again and get inspired - I gotta use up the stash!
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