Do you know about Quilts for Kids? It's a great organization with many partner companies that help them in a wonderful cause. Imagine an organization that sends you a kit - for free! - in beautiful fabrics - and all they ask is that you make the quilt, quilt it, bind it, wash it and send it back. Its a great chance to take your talent and make something that a little person will be able to cuddle with. I look at it as a chance to give repeated hugs to someone I would like to know.
These kits are so very easy to do - four patches or pinwheels are mainly what you get. This is the latest quilt that I'm making.. someone who loves purple will really like this quilt.
Go to their web site. Ask for a kit. Make one of your own - then make one out of your stash fabric so you can send back TWO quilts!
Pay it forward.
That's what I'm going to do.