This past weekend was my bee's first retreat of 2012. Lots of fun, lots of creativity, and lots of escaping from whatever we were escaping from! It was nice to be with friends, to just to be able to sew. Love my family, but boy I like to sew, too! Here is a preview of what we did -- yep, pretty creative folks I get the privledge to hang around with :) makes me happy

The big star to the right is a quilt that one of our ladies teaches classes on - Judy Neimeyer patterns. Isn't it beautiful!

ok, this is one that I made. I'm not sure I really like it - I don't usually work with pastels so I'm way out of my element here. I found the pattern on line and wanted to try it. Found a great deal on the pack of fat quarters so,, why not try one with the other. Maybe it just needs some good quilting for me to like it better.

This is one for Susan's lake house. The orange batik is absolutely gorgeous! and with the blue batik it really makes you think of sunrise on the lake and catching lots of fish!

hhmmm... I think they are trying to decide what border to use. If you can see the fabric, the blocks are coffee cups - this fabric I have to get!

I tried to get a shot of the wonderful french toast breakfast with bacon and juice and all the fixings but, oops! I was too late
Check out the bird houses! I think a Mckenna Ryan pattern group, each little color is a seperate piece of fabric -- so pretty! lots of patience at work here :)
and I love these batik stripes!! I have to make one of these - I just might have to cut some of those batiks that I just keep looking at and not using.
It would also be a good pattern for some of those Halloween or Christmas fabrics that I have and ready to use up. It was super quick - she did this in about 4 or 5 hours!

isn't this just great? so sweet. Some lucky new mom and baby is getting this one. and works so well with the rainbow border fabric.

ok, one of the ladies joined a fiber artist group and this was their first project. Everyone got a square of the fuzzy stuff and was told to Do something with the square of fuzzy stuff. She said it was very liberating to be "out of the box". Buttons, cording, yarn, -- might be fun to get a group together to do that.
I need out of the box.