Different Things I'm Working On, Thinking About, Keeping Track Of,,

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What do YOU think about Pinterest?

So the debate is on - to Pinterest or not to Pinterest.  What do you think? I'm still scratching my head and going 'hmmm' about the whole deal.

On one hand, I hope EVERYONE pins what I have made from my blog so the whole wide world can see it.
On the other hand, I understand copyright questions.

And, if you have something on the internet, is it free for all or not?

See me scratching?

I LOVED going to all the different boards on Pinterest and seeing all the cool stuff that people found, all the great food ideas and recipes, all the terrific quilts and sewing thingys that people found.  It was a good addiction to me.

Does it hurt anyone? I don't know. I don't want to hurt anyone. I even closed my account so I wouldn't accidentally hurt anyone or make someone upset.

I don't want to steal someone's ideas. Or take money from their pockets.

But gee, I enjoyed seeing everything.
And I enjoyed "pinning" - it was fun.

So what are ya'll thinking about the Pinterest debate? To Pin, or Not To Pin, that is the question.

Pinterest Logo

1 comment:

Rose said...

I have not opened an account...I had started to and then got read an article that made me have second thoughts...I did a post asking basically the same questions...and a response prompted me to google it...and there are issues with copyright and we are solely responsible for any issues that arise...

did you know you can check to see if photos from your blog have been pinned....


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