So, my hookey day... hhmmm,,, what did I do? I don't think I accomplished a whole lot, it was a lazy day. I didn't sleep late, got up at my usual 6am and didn't go back to sleep - now that isn't saying that I got UP or that I got Dressed or that I was Functional! NoSireeBob! Not ME! I probably crawled out from the covers about 730 and crawled to the computer. God, I'm addicted to the computer and eamils, and groups, and blogs, and surfing, and GEESH!!! just a lot of nothing!
So I did this for a couple of hours, while I drank tea and ate oatmeal YUUMMM...
Went back to the surgeon for my week after surgery checkup. I have been having some pains in my chest- just like the gallbladder attacks, but my GB isn't there anymore! So what the heck are these pains???

Well,,, I didn't get any drugs,,, pooh,,,, hope this doesn't hurt tomorrow!
So, after the 10 minute doctor visit, I went to the post office to send my round robin to Rae in Sweden who is my mail-to lady... this is the block I made for Stevie

Ok, doctor done, post office done,,,, and it's only 1215! So, I don't, DO NOT, definitely do NOT need any fabric so Hancock's is out, the LQS is a bad thing,,, well, lets see what the thrift store has... Bonnie at Quiltville is always talking about taking mens shirts and cutting them up for scraps and ( do you see the light bulb going off! ) since I'm going to do the Orange Crush mystery quilt with the group,,,, GEE, wonder if there are any men's shirts that I could get cheap and cut up???
GEEZ! Thrift store, shitz store!! They wanted $5.19 for SHIRT!!! and I have to cut it up and throw some of it away. Yes, I know, I can buy the BIG mens size and get alot of material, but I still have to do alot of work to it... so I don't call it a deal... not at that price! Now, if it was a dollar,,,, I just might go for it..... hhhmmm,,,,, garage sales?
LOL I can see my DH now! I go to garage sales and come wagging in a bunch of men's dirty old shirts.... LOL!!!
Ok, nothing at the thrift store, so I have to get a prescription refilled, so I go to the drug store and WHOA -- BACK UP MAMA!!! EASTER candy is 1/2 price!! and they had a ton of it!! Just what I SO do not need.... but bought anyway! LOL... not a lot and I can save it ( sure! )...
So Candy in hand, I go across the street to the grocery and drop off DH prescription so he can pick it up on the way home and I get Chinese Take-out.... just want to see how FIXED I am!!
Yummy,,, lo mein,,, I've had better so I probably won't go back but it was good anyway.
I'd say a pretty good half a day!
Mail came in and with it three movies from Netflix,,, so The Jane Austin Book Club was what I curled up in bed with,,, aaahhh,,, maybe I should read these? It was most definately a chick flick and not all that good,, but it did get my interest in the books - for a later time! LOL
OK,,, I have to get some sewing in! Guess that is for this evening,,, finish the sashing on my pink,black and white blocks so I can get that done.
DH is on his way home,,, luckily no dinner to make - he said he wasn't hungry ( yipee! ) so guess its sewing and tv for me tonite!
Oh, last week work sent me a real pretty getwell basket,,, here are some pictures of the flowers ( tulips, daisies I think, and something else
