I have been home recuperating,,, my husband and MIL was with me on Tuesday and my MIL was here yesterday but TODAY I was gloriously all alone! I just loved it! sounds bad doesn't it, but sometimes just being all alone is the best feeling there is.
I read
I slept
I sewed a little
I surfed the web
I slept
I watched TV
OH - it's just wonderful!!
AND I get to do this again tomorrow!
I did find this great blog while I was surfing around and a pattern for a SCHLEP BAG that I am going to have to make! Go see this blog...http://sentimentalstitches.net/free-stuff/schlep-bag/ and look at the bag,,, pretty cool! and so easy to make!
I'm going back there to see what else I can find...

There is a difference in being alone and being lonely. Today you were alone and enjoyed it ...you had yourself for company so you were not the least bit lonely.
May the recovery period be just what you want!
Amelia in Oklahoma
Hope you have a speedy recovery! I used to have 'alone' weekends that were lovely - just me doing whatever i wanted with no people interaction... I miss those couple of weekends a year...
I love those kinds of days. I hoard them to myself and am so very selfish when I decide to use one. Have a wonderful, relaxing time getting heatlhy!
I love having 'alone days'. as long as I don't have too many.
I love the bag pattern. I may have a go at that aswell.
love and hugs xxx
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