Went to my Saturday Bee yesterday,,, we were all there but one ( we missed you! ) I took the quilt for the Beautiful Granddaughter to my bestest friend for quilting, just something easy and flow-ey ( is that a word? ). I pieced part of the back, she'll finish the rest. Got the Turtle Quilt back all quilted and cute. Guess tonite maybe while watching TV I"ll do the binding...
I'm such a bad Granma,,, I saw the Most Amazing Grandson and the Most Beautiful Granddaughter yesterday and told them I had a surprise for them... that was bad! They went crazy trying to figure out what it was - I'm a big tease. But being kids, something else came up and they forgot..... I hope! I'll see them again today,,, wonder if they ask?
Anyway,,, I have two quilts here that have been sandwiched and pinned for the longest time! One is a bug jar quilt

I think I'll do a bug in the middle of each jar, like an easy butterfly or bee or lady bug and then do some small vine thingy in the black parts between the jars. Something easy in the borders. Yea, I can do this!
LOL,,, it was funny last nite! I tested and practiced my quilting on a play sandwich and I was doing pretty good but the tension just didn't seem right, top thead and bobbin thread not hitting right. I belong to a Yahoo group for Janome owners cause they have LOTS of hints and ideas and figured out how to set the tension better.
So I'm off! Yipee,,, bugs and outlines are being quilted. The quilt is by no means finished,,, I started this experience about 10pm, gave up about 1230...
think I'll go play!