What did I do during my two day 'hide away from the world' you might ask? I browsed around on the Quilt Festival -- I am so! inspired by what everyone is doing... If you haven't taken time to surf the blogs,, please do - truly amazing ( thanks Amy for doing this for us! )
I wasn't a complete slug ( yes, I showered and brushed my teeth and even sorta got dressed :) ) and I was busy - I got the southwest quilt top finished - and I like it!
I took this picture during one of excursions to the back yard today - :) I'm happy with how it turned out,, I really wasn't sure when I started it, but I had the pattern, all the fabric is from my stash ( give me 'high five' for that! ).. it's a Judy Niemeyer pattern and I love her stuff, so why not work on it ( mindless paper pieceing ) and if I like it, cool - if not, I know a good charity.
Now the fun part,, all the paper is still on the back! Guess I need to put in a good movie and start tearing,, I could use some help?! Do I hear any volunteers?? gee, it's awfully quiet !!! just one volunteer??
I also played with my blocks from Judy B/Virtual Quilter who had a mystery log cabin that just ended. I had lots of fun following along and making the blocks. She did really well, too, cause she spaced the blocks out just right. I could keep up and manage to go to work (
Judy also challenged the participants to come up with what we thought was her mystery design. I did that HERE. Nope, I didn't guess it.
This is Judy's solution (using my blocks on the design wall ) -

Now this is my solution, again using my blocks on the design wall

And, oh my, there are a bunch more layouts that she gave those of us who did the mystery - so I can make more blocks and more quilts!
What do you think? I just can't decide which way to sew these together - help me out, ok?
I hope everyone had a great weekend and spent lots of time with family and friends.

How fun to see what options there are with these blocks. I'm so glad I'm here to see them! Thanks for sharing. Pretty.
Oh sure, I'll help tear off the paper on that totally beautiful quilt hanging on the fence. When I'm out and about next time - answer the door silly!!!
yah, paper ripping! my 34,982nd favorite thing to do!
i like your version of judy's quilt better than hers. hers is nice, but i like yours better.
I think I like yours if you come up with a clever name for it. It looks very original as if it was meant to represent something. Judy's is good too, but more traditional setting. I know this nis not much help, right? :) Dar
I LOVE your southwest quilt and the layout for your purple one. I agree with tirane, yours IS better. great job!
The Judy N. quilt is fabulous! I really like the center of your design better, but the corners of hers. I think it is having the more square block in the corner that I like. Good luck trying to decide!
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