I went to bee last nite and took the table topper, fusible stuff that I had traced the pattern pieces onto, the fabric I wanted to use for the holly and berries, my iron and an ironing pad. It is so relaxing to sit with good friends and work on simple things, like ironing the fusible to the fabric back... mindless work is good for the soul - but chatting with good friends is better! gee, wish there had been some wine to go with it!
Betsy helped me cut out the shapes then I started placing them. I got one side ironed on last nite and just finished up the other three sides. LOOKEY LOOKEY!!

Well, it's coming along. I'm thinking satin stitch the berries in red and the leaves in green - nice shiney glittery red and green. Then I can put the border on it,,,,
but that will have to wait until tomorrow,,,
That is really cute!
I love it. The holly leaves and berries really make it
Love and hugs Gina xxx
that's looking really sharp! i don't think there's any problem with the colors at all now.
I love it! Very festive!
Dear Beth,
I have this pattern and fabric to do also ! So it is fun to see & read about your adventures. I've been enjoying your blog, and hope to squeak out some more time to explore it more !
From another Beth . .
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