Different Things I'm Working On, Thinking About, Keeping Track Of,,

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday Evening and I'm Tired

It's been a busy day - first I got up early and went to out Super WalMart -- well you know it takes for e-v-e-r to get thru one of those.... and of COURSe I had to buy stuff other than food ( like a new sweatshirt, new sweat pants, OH and I found a pair of Tinkerbell flannel pj bottoms on sale! -- had to get those of course)

well,,, a lot of money and 2-1/2 hours later, I had all the stuff my kitchen will hold and all the food I need for our family Thanksgiving tomorrow. Part of my family won't be in town on Thursday, so we are doing this early. I got the good deal,,, I cook and we all meet at my son's house! ( do you hear the laugh and giggle coming from me??? I would much rather cook and take to his house than cook AND clean mine!! wwhhhhaaaaa !!)

so,,, one pumpkin cheesecake and a triple batch of manicotti later,,, oh, and a green salad,,, I'm tired!!!

So, thought I would browse the net and some blogs and just wanted to share what I found - no they aren't quilty at all,,, but oh so delicious!!

First, for a good laugh go here http://despair.com/viewall.html
read all the posters and things,,, my sides hurt from laughing...

Then, when you are done there,,, don't forget The Pioneer Woman! WWHHOOAAA !! she has a video of The Marlboro Man !! go here http://thepioneerwoman.com/confessions/ it should be the one for November 21.

Ok, I'm done,,, enjoy!

1 comment:

tirane93 said...

so...what're you quilting this weekend? 0.o

(i'm completely unable to read a blog entry without thinking about quilting!)

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