Ok Judy,, bring on the next step!

Webster, of course, has to be in the middle of it,,, " what's ya doin' Mom, huh huh huh ?" in my best doggie voice. (( grin )) Remember the border is a really pretty apple fabric,,, so my green and reds will work well.
I also got my HST papers printed out, for the Quilt Along quilt with Judy Laquidara. I used the CD-ROM from Brenda Henning where you can pick the finished size you need and print them out. I have the original one she came out with ... and have used it several times. SO EASY !! I printed a grid of 2 inch finished squares and cut my background and main fabric pieces and just sew on the lines. I will probably, maybe, have these finished tonite. Then all I will have to do is cut them apart -- sure beats sewing them one at a time!
Ok, had a break, got a new cuppa tea,,, I'm ready to go some more!