It's been almost a month since I posted anything - bet ya'll thought I gave up sewing anything and moved on to something different! Well, in a way I did,,, I started a new job February 1 and it has taken me awhile to get in the groove,,, I've been off for 5 glorious months and have thouroughly enjoyed myself. But, my wonderful, darling, delightful, adoring husband ( do you see me choking on those words?) really thinks that I am most needed in an office, earning a paycheck, not home sewing, cleaning, reading, washing, having lunch with his mother, scrubing floors - well you get the picture.
So, I'm back at work, and phooey on the housework. If he wants me with a paycheck, then something has to give, and it's the housework ( which I hated doing anyway :) !! )
So ( again ) I think I'm in the groove and I'm sorta back sewing. Yeah!! Cause I've missed it.
Today was my once a month Saturday meet with my quilting b

uddies. We had a new bud show up today ( hope she wants to be part of our little group! ) so we had lots of fun. Babs was sewing some of the cutest wonky log cabin blocks
They were "happy" blocks, with lots of brights and happy novelty fabrics. They are for a guild quilt contest - I think she will be sure to win!

Marcy is our new bud, she brought some knitting to do ( I need to get her and tirane to teach me!) Her yarn was just beautiful - un-dyed she said. She didn't bring her machine wit

h her today but we all talked quilting and knitting and 'stuff'.
Nancy brought her machine and was working on a string quilt. She makes the prettiest string quilts This is a picture of her machine - she really was working on it, but this was the only picture I got so you just have to believe me.
Tirane was binding a
Quilts-for-Kids quilt that she did. Do you know about Quilts-for-Kids? A great way to make a wonderful charity quilt. We all have done them, and have even worked on charity quilts all together, sorta like Huck Finn and whitewashing the fence. Check out the link I provided,,, give it a try - it's makes you feel good!
Anyway, here she is, sewing away, stitch, stitch stitch,,, she said she thought she could get thru about 3 quilts today ( binding ) but ,, LOL well you know how that goes! I know she finished this one, and did she start another??? I'm not sure, did you?

I was working on a "One Fabric Wonder" that I had cut out previously ( one of the ladies in my weekly bee is the bestest instructor and loves to try new techniques so a couple of weeks ago she showed anyone interested in this type of quilt how to make them - super easy! ) but I don't have any pictures. When I get it on the design wall I'll take a shot.
I almost have my Beach Cottages quilt all together - I want to finish it up tomorrow ( that's my plan anyway
) and tirane quilted my apple quilt for me so I can get it bound and the One Fabric Wonder and the spinning santas table topper and OH Golly! I can't work!! I have too many quilts to finish!!

Suzette,, we missed you! Hope all is doing better - our thoughts are with you