What did I do during my two day 'hide away from the world' you might ask? I browsed around on the Quilt Festival -- I am so! inspired by what everyone is doing... If you haven't taken time to surf the blogs,, please do - truly amazing ( thanks Amy for doing this for us! )
I wasn't a complete slug ( yes, I showered and brushed my teeth and even sorta got dressed :) ) and I was busy - I got the southwest quilt top finished - and I like it!
I took this picture during one of excursions to the back yard today - :) I'm happy with how it turned out,, I really wasn't sure when I started it, but I had the pattern, all the fabric is from my stash ( give me 'high five' for that! ).. it's a Judy Niemeyer pattern and I love her stuff, so why not work on it ( mindless paper pieceing ) and if I like it, cool - if not, I know a good charity.
Now the fun part,, all the paper is still on the back! Guess I need to put in a good movie and start tearing,, I could use some help?! Do I hear any volunteers?? gee, it's awfully quiet !!! just one volunteer??
I also played with my blocks from Judy B/Virtual Quilter who had a mystery log cabin that just ended. I had lots of fun following along and making the blocks. She did really well, too, cause she spaced the blocks out just right. I could keep up and manage to go to work (
Judy also challenged the participants to come up with what we thought was her mystery design. I did that HERE. Nope, I didn't guess it.
This is Judy's solution (using my blocks on the design wall ) -

Now this is my solution, again using my blocks on the design wall

And, oh my, there are a bunch more layouts that she gave those of us who did the mystery - so I can make more blocks and more quilts!
What do you think? I just can't decide which way to sew these together - help me out, ok?
I hope everyone had a great weekend and spent lots of time with family and friends.