Different Things I'm Working On, Thinking About, Keeping Track Of,,

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Good Morning - Happy Sunday! Day Two of Memorial Day Weekend

It's almost 10am and I'm still in my jammas... OOHH maybe! it can be another of "those" days?? Maybe?

I just got an invite to put my blog on someone's list,, this seems to be the popular thing to do now and it uses something called Mr. Linky ( not sure of the spelling ) to do this.. but you can link up and have a whole list of blogs to see! I thought it was cool so, of course, QUILTRAMBLINGS is on it - just look for BETH.

Niki is the person who left me her blog to link up with,,, she can be found at http://justusquilters.blogspot.com/ - like I said, I'm on there under BETH. Guess this is sorta like a ring, only not LOL ! sounds strange,,, you have to keep going back to her site to get the next one,, so I guess it's like a STAR!! Yeah! a Star! - out, in, out, in -- you get the idea ( see the big cheezy grin )

ok.. enuf -- see down the list of stuff on the side and it says "Quilters Get Listed",, just click on it and VOILA!


Sunday, May 18, 2008

ORANGE CRUSH - STEP 4 (almost)

I spent another Sunday in my nightgown -- dontcha just love it! I had all kinds of things that I really should have gotten out to do ( like getting groceries ha! ) but I just didn't feel like getting dressed. I did do some wash, cooked lunch and dinner, got a shower, put on a clean nightgown ( just love it! ) and sewed! I have Step 4 almost all done! They started looking like this all sorta pushed together step 4 I'm thinking I like my color choices ( gee hope this all goes together good! ). My 4-patch squares are dark blues, purples, greens and black with beige lights. I think the starts really jump out - which I hope is good!

I took some time out this afternoon and watched the movie "LOVE IN THE TIME OF CHOLERA" ... it was pretty good and I do like to just sit and watch a movie instead of listening to it while I sew ( does anyone else do this? LISTEN and do something else too?). So after dinner, the CMA awards are on TV so I figured THIS is a good thing to just listen to and I can sew these blocks together. This is what I have so farthree rows sewn together - step 4 I think I'm pleased. It's just too late to sew the three rows together - I don't feel like hooking up the iron and getting all hot with the steam... so this can wait till this week.

Oh! Checked all the parts I have made in step 2 and 3 and I still have to press step 2 open! Maybe I'll wait till I sew these rows together then press them all at the same time.

Ok, Carrie Underwood just won some award, I think it was female vocalist of the year... and my eyes are half shut, the fingers don't hit the keys right...

time for bed

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Have You Visited???

Have ya'll visited this blog http://thepioneerwoman.com/? Grab a cup of something and log on and read... all about her life on a ranch.

It is a great blog and wonderful photography and good stories.

Just one of my Blog Finds... and must be a bunch of peoples lists cause one entry I saw had 300+ comments!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Arlington Quilt Show May 2008

went to the quilt show yesterday.,, it's a small show but had some great quilts! met my friend and oohed and aahhed over the ones that she had submitted... I don't have the guts to do that yet - gee! will they let you do it as ANONAMOUS?? then maybe I would submit something. But until then,,, I'll just look!
AND believe it or not! I did not spend any money! There were about 20 vendors there and I found nothing that I couldn't walk away from! Of couse there were not any stupendous deals - like batiks for $4/yard ( now that one I would have to pay some serious attention to LOL!) and there really isn't anything I need. How will I ever use up what I have if I don't use it ???

AARRRGGHHH I'm a HOARDER !!! That's it,,, I just love to have it, look at it,, touch it,, roll in it,,, (( ? )) I just want to own it ALL!

aaahhhh -- I've come clean and confessed...

Ok, so here is a slide show of the quilts and up close and personal things I thought were cool. I haven't edited anything yet so I'm not sure that everywill be good... but at least it will give you an idea.


Arlington Quilt Show May 2008

Friday, May 9, 2008

Orange Crush - Step 4

Oh MY,, Oh My!! I can't remember what fabrics I had decided on for the focus fabrics !!
I pulled the fabrics that I had THOUGHT I would use,,, but I can't remember what I had decided on... Oh whoa is me! ( is that how you spell whoa for this use,, sounds like I'm stopping a horse! LOL )

Hmmm,,, going to a quilt show tomorrow,,, maybe I'll find new ones! How fun!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Pay It Forward

Pay it Forward -- here's how it works

To the first 3 people who leave a message on my blog about the game that have a blog and that decide to play the game too,

I will send a gift. I'll contact you for your mailing address so that I can mail it,, you don't have to leave your address on my blog so don't worry about that.

But the thing is to PAY IT FORWARD... you have to commit to putting the game on your blog and then sending something to 3 people who leave YOU messages,,, sounds like fun I think!

The challenge is there.... who are the first 3 that will leave me a message and start the game going?

Quilt Blogs

AARRGGH,, two postings in one night,, gotta go to bed! I just stumbled on this cool blog http://quiltinggallery.com/ she has some really cool things , like PAY IT FORWARD ( which is a really cool idea,btw ) but you gotta see the list of blogs that she has accumulated!

in your spare time -- check it out!

So, I thought about it and I'm going to do it... read the next blog!

( nope, she didn't have my blog listed,,, maybe she should! )

Finishing a Project

ok, I know, I have QADD - Quilt Attention Deficit Disorder - I just can NOT finish one without starting another. Well in this case, it's finishing one UFO before finishing another UFO.

I'm still trying to decide which border I want for the Black, White and Pink quilt ( or maybe it's the Pink, White and Black, or maybe the White, Black, and Pink, or maybe.... oh heck! you know the one! )
I pulled out a quilt I started about 3 or 4 years ago. I had not been quilting long when I started this and you should see the back ( or not! ). the front looks pretty good but I was not real consistant with the seams going the same way and some are even pressed open -- where was my vision ??? But, the front is the important part and I really like how it came out.

The border - the Dreadful Border. Most of my projects stop before I get them finished because I can never make up my mind about "THE BORDER". It needs to add to the quilt itself and it needs to END the quilt. At least that is how I think of it.

OK, I pulled out the Lovers Knot and it still talks to me - don't you love it when something you did a long time ago still does that!?!? So many times there are projects that are silent... I look at them, try to finish them,,, and they just are silent. But this one is SINGING!! Fa-la-la-la LOL!

I wanted something to ZING with the border, so this is what I came up with...
Lover's Knot - border this maybe a better picturesDSC01295 or even this oneDSC01296
I have moved the fabrics around and around trying different combinations and I think this one works the best. I wanted the orange in there for the ZING, some POP,, some FLASH,, a little BLING..

So, does it work?? The first three fabrics, the green orange and black would be thin, about one inch wide I think and the focus fabric would be 3 inches wide. This would give me a 6 inch border,,, it's not a big quilt to start with so the larger border would help. I hope I have enough focus fabric left! I would like mitered corners, too, so I will probably sew the stips together before I attach to the quilt then miter as a solid piece.

So, dear blog reader,,, tell me what you think...., ok?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Black, White and Pink Quilt

I'm using Flickr for this post,,, not sure if I like it or not, but since Webshots was giving me fits on uploading pictures, I had to do something different.

Any-hoo... this is the block swap quilt that my bee did,,, this sucker is HUGE and there are not even any borders on it yet! I put 3 inch borders around each block, cause not everyone's 12-1/2 inch is the same - if you know what I mean. I like the sashing around them,,, I really think the blocks stand out and not all misshed together.

So I was playing with EQ6 and messing around with border designs. I don't want just a plain border, cause I don't want to use any print fabric.. I want the blocks to be the focus completely,,, and I think a plain black border would look really really weird.

I came up with this one

pink black and white 2 jpeg and shared with my friend whom only speaks truth and she said "too much pink", so I played some more and got this one pink black and white quilt jpeg and she said " good border but too fussy for this quilt". So far,,, I do agree. Have you ever done something that you know if just not right, but someone else needs to tell you??

So, back to EQ and I came up with this onepink black and white 3 jepg which I think has just the right amount of everything.

So, friend,,, what do YOU think???

I'm going to leave it for a couple of days,,, look at the pictures I made and see what ya'll think! In the mean time,,, I'll get out another project to finish!

Orange Crush - Step 3

Yee-Haw! Step 3 is done and LOL it is even pressed! This one went pretty fast... I was reading all the messages on the group site and I'm with most everyone else... I had to have the picture in front of me to make sure all the right sides were going the way they were supposed to.
I wonder just how big this quilt will be? Cause the pieces that we have been doing aren't that big... hhmm,, inquiring minds will just have to go back and read!
We to dinner last nite with oldest son, dil and funny granson. He is ALMOST 3 and so fun! Always a smile,,, well, last nite everything was a fire hose! Don't know where it came from, but the straw, the fork, the spoon, everything was a fire hose and we were all "drenched" with water -- put the fire out! We went to Outback Steak House and I had the best coconut shrimp ( Yummy! )) I think they have the best! Grandson was getting a little rambunctious with the hose thing and his Dad is not patient with him in public ( geez, he's a kid, let him be a kid ) so we decided instead of getting dessert at Outback we went to an ice cream shop and then the park. That was fun! It was just a small park, more of a place to just sit and rest but he ran on the grass and played FIREHOSE with the little sticks from the trees. Silly kid!
Then the sticks became drum sticks and the trees were drums... what an imagination. I'm so glad Mom was with us cause she could run after him and keep him out of the streets and close to hand. Almost 3, what fun!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Orange Crush Step 2 FINISHED!

Well - Step 2 is Done!, kaput, fini, -- well, almost done cause I haven't pressed them open. Just couldn't sit and iron all those suckers last nite,,, I find that to be the most boring! thing to do! So here are my "finished" blocks ! LOL

Step 2 finished Well, these are mystery blocks, too! guess you can't really tell a lot about them. Mostly blues, greens and purples - aahhh my favorite colors! I'll press them when a good tv show comes on -- I can sit and press and watch tv.. but if the show is too good! then I press during the commericals!

Oh, lazy me!!

I've started cutting the pieces for Step 3. There were a few leftover light triangles so I can use those up... and 44 pieces total is not much at all! I should have this finished this weekend! Yipee!
I really want to work on something else for a change.... Adult Attention Span = SHORT!
gotta git,,, Grey's Anatomy and Lost are coming on!!!

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