Tirane and I have decided to make Double Delight from Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville Mystery. It's not a mystery any longer, since the end result is published on the web,,, but check it out! It's a great pattern! Tirane put the pattern into EQ6 and sent me the file to play with the colorings. I had some fabric that I really have been wanting to use and this is going to be the perfect vehicle for it. I'll save all this for another posting.
Anyway, I brought my FW with me and started sewing the patches for the Double Delight quilt. This is such a great machine to take to things like this... it's not heavy, it's not big and it sews such a nice straight stitch! I have named her The Tar Baby... ( you know,, she's little like a baby machine and she's black just like tar, and like in the story your fingers just sorta stick to her -- so she is The Tar Baby)
I had all the good intentions of taking my camera and taking pictures of all of our activities... LOL, you guessed it,,, no camera. - Maybe next time ??
Today I got the whole day to sew -- it was wonderful! DH was watching the football games and even took me out to eat tonite - YIPEE! While watching The MALTESE FALCON ( with Bogie! )I worked on the Quilter's Trail quilt - all the blocks are sewed together and the rows are put together so - it's all done except for

I'll leave that for another post,,, I'm sewed out for the day,, thinking a hot shower will feel good, then bed.
Have a good evening!

Love the quilt, and what a great film The Maltese Falcon is. I love all the old Bogie and James Cagney films. life stops in my house when one is on.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
The quilt looks great!
nice colorwork beth! the top looks terrific. i expect fabulous and exciting borders for it to appear like magic within a week!
The quilt looks beautiful! I'm in a quilt group alot like yours - we call ours SOS (sewing on Saturday.
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