I have a great fascination with DWTS,, the only thing my husband and I sit and watch together, so that's a good thing! ( he likes the half naked girls :) ! ) and I don't have a problem watching the beefed up guys, either! A little booty shakin' is good for the soul
So, you might wonder what else has been going on. I have been busy and completed a few things. A big pat on the back for me!
A couple of weeks ago, tirane and I went to a most fabulous retreat, about 2 hours from here, at the coolest Victorian house.
Memory Lane Inn in Tyler was beautiful! You have to go check out the pictures at the web site, I just can't describe it. EVERY?THING was thought of,, the beds were wonderful, the kitchen was fantastic, and OMG! the space we had to sew !!
Imagine a place that is designed to have about 18 people in it and it was being shared by 7 -- tirane and I had a seperate room all to ourselves to spread out or sewing and the other 5 ladies had a huge room for all their scrapbooking... it was great and we made new friends. I can't wait to go back
Seriously, go check it out! Beautiful decorating, claw foot tubs, wavy glass in the windows and the landscaping is beautiful!
So, what did I do, you might ask? Well, I did finish two quilts, was going to put borders on another but everyone decided it was good as it was so that was a WIN and started sewing another. Busy!
My friend had some blocks from a swap that she did a few years ago, she was cleaning her sewing room, found them and gave them to me. I've had them a few years, cleaned MY sewing room, found them and took them with me. Hearts, done in 30's fabrics and 2" strips were included for each block. I just sashed each block and sewed them in rows. It's for a charity quilt and it came out great!

I threw this on one of the rockers on the front porch of the retreat house ( see the flowers and wrought iron fence in the background?!). I think it came out great - longer than wider which will be great for a twin bed. Tirane is going to quilt it and I'll do the binding.
Next -- more charity blocks. I started these a few years ago when my saturday group was going strong and we were doing a lot of charity stuff. Well, these got hidden, too, and I found them at the same cleaning time as the previous blocks. There was only 9 of them and I didn't have fabric to make more. Making bigger sashing gave me a bigger quilt and tirane a pallett to play with when she quilted.
There really is light blue floating in both the fabrics in the blocks and again, the big fron verandah at the retreat -- a great showcase for displaying quilts.
I also had the pink/black/white quilt that my bee did as a block swap ?? years ago. I put borders on it, and messed those up, so I took them off, was going to redo them and everyone at retreat said it looked good as it is. This is a picture with the borders that I like but just didn't lay right..
so, I took them off. Tirane has it and will quilt it -- aaarrrggghh another one that is going to need binding :) about time I got it finished!
aawwwhhh, Hope and Max are going home. Dang! No more of Max and his 6-pack ABS, or his BUTT or his,, geez,, I just like to watch him < said with a huge! big grin!>
ok, back to reality and the husband I love (
I love my husband, I love my husband, I love my husband )